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Cookie Policy - mtsl.dk

What Are Cookies

Cookies are small files downloaded to your computer and used to improve your experience.

This page details what they gather and how I use it.

It will also explain how you can prevent these cookies from being stored.

For more information on cookies generally, please read "What Are Cookies".

How I Use Cookies

Currently I only use cookies for storing your game saves in my games.

Disabling Cookies

You can disable cookies in your browser's settings (You can look it up, for your specific browser).

On my site, if you disable cookies, you won’t be able to save your game. Everything else should work.

Third Party Cookies

We also use cookies for some third party services listed below:

Data Policy

I store some data from you on my server. As of right now, this includes leaderboards and online games.

These are as private as you make them, and visible for all users. E.g. don't use your real name if you want it to stay private.

All data collecting from me are opt-in, so I won't store anything before you decide to use them.

If you want to opt-out, you will either get your data deleted the same place you opt-in, or your data will be deleted after some time.

If you can't opt-out manually, please contact me at malthe@mtsl.dk.

Your data might also be deleted without warning, either because the service will be disabled, or for any other reason.

Need more information? Or am I unclear about something? Simply contact me at malthe@mtsl.dk.

Policy Updated 01-05-2024